+62 813-9311-1158


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  “Become a center for the development of science, technology and dental research to compete at national and international in the field of education, research, and community service based on the Indonesian Maritime Continent.”.  


  • Organizing quality learning to produce people independent and superior scholars at the national level and able to compete at the national level international
  • Develop science, technology and art in the field of Medicine Tooth.
  • Produce and carry out superior research and service in the field of Dentistry that benefits the community
  • Organizing modern and digital-based faculty governance


  • Producing qualified, professional and responsible Dentistry Personnel answer according to Maritime Character Scholar Persons.
  • Building the character of researchers for lecturers and students as well as the cooperation of the two by providing maximum support for every participation in the competition scientific work.
  • Creating an effective and efficient faculty management.