FKG UNHAS News Department of IKGM-P of the FKG Unhas holds a Mendeley training course

Department of IKGM-P of the FKG Unhas holds a Mendeley training course

Department of IKGM-P of the FKG Unhas holds a Mendeley training course post thumbnail image

The Department of Public and Preventive Dental Health Sciences (IKGM-P), Faculty of Dentistry (FKG), Universitas Hasanuddin (Unhas) held a training activity on reference management using Mendeley.

The activity took place in a hybrid manner, with the participation of students who programmed the research methods course, with the event centred on the CBT room of the Unhas Faculty of Dentistry, Tuesday (24/10).

The person in charge of the research methods course, Prof Dr Rasmidar Samad, drg. MS, said that this training is part of the research methods course, so the knowledge provided to the students will be applied in the preparation of a thesis, which is also one of the outcomes of this course.

This activity was presented by a speaker, one of the lecturers of the Department of IKGM-P FKG Unhas, Fuad Husain Akbar, drg, MARS, Ph.D..

The Mendeley training is an effort by FKG Unhas to improve students’ research skills in the digital age. Mendeley is an innovative reference management software that can help users manage, store and cite important references in their research.

Drg. Fuad Husain Akbar’s presentation gave participants a step-by-step guide to using Mendeley effectively, including how to import and organise references, create citations and produce a well-formatted bibliography. They were also introduced to Mendeley’s advanced features, which will make it easier for them to manage references in their future research.

At the end of the training, the Head of the Department of IKGM-P FKG Unhas (Dr Ayub Irmadani Anwar, drg., M.Med.Ed) hopes that through this training, the students will be more skilled in managing references, producing quality scientific papers and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of dentistry.

Laporan: Abdul Majid Saputra (Humas FKG Unhas)